All interviews and homenajes are property of Rancho Alegre. Any reposting, reproduction or retransmission on any platform without crediting Rancho Alegre and without our written permission is prohibited. **If you want to play our interview on your station, just ask us ( If you repost our article, just credit us. That's all we ask.**
Our trip to the valley was remarkable, no question. And it was the starting point for everything that has happened so far in 2012, especially our festival.
Our interview with Gilberto Perez was just as rich in conjunto history as we imagined it would be. But we didn’t expect him to have a conjunto museum behind his house…
Gilberto organized all of the photos he ever took with his friends and fellow musicians over the years and has them all framed and hanging on the walls. He has all of his accordions in a glass case. And everything has a label. There’s a lifesize stand up photo of him in front of all of his 45 records. The wooden bench on the porch has a wooden sign engraved with “made by Ruben Vela.”
Gilberto and his wife are very gracious people, and even though he may seem quiet and reserved, Gilberto has a dry sense of humor that kept making Piper laugh. We hope you enjoy our interview with a remarkable man and great musician.